Rehabilitaion in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries


What is Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury?

The Anterior cruciate ligament is an important ligament structure in the knee joint. It prevents the tibia from shifting anteriorly under the femur (thigh bone). It prevents tibial internal rotation. It protects the joint against inward and outward strains.

The anterior cruciate ligament is the one with the least elasticity of the ligaments around the knee. Therefore, the anterior cruciate ligament is the most injured ligament in the knee. Pain, swelling and inflammation symptoms that occur after anterior cruciate ligament injury lead to loss of strength in the muscles, which causes instability in the knee.

What are the Causes of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury?

Stress on the knee as a result of sudden turning, stopping or changing direction can cause cruciate ligament and anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Unstable falling after jumping, blows towards the knee can also cause injury.

The use of unsuitable equipment during sports such as football and skiing can also be caused by playing football on unsuitable grounds such as artificial turf.

Treatment with Rehabilitation in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

In the treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injury, rehabilitation should be applied with a conservative approach, and surgical consultation should be requested when necessary.

Rehabilitation and conservative treatment are decided according to the patient’s age, activity level, profession and future sports-related expectations. The aim of conservative therapy is to return the range of motion in the knee to its normal level, to restore muscle strength, to increase stability and to restore functions to pre-injury levels.

Rehabilitation treatment consists of acute, subacute and chronic phases. The rehabilitation and exercise program to be applied during these periods should be planned individually. Individuals and athletes who want to exercise at a high level in their future life should be evaluated separately according to the degree of damage to the ligament.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

After the anterior cruciate ligament operations, the goal is that the patient can continue his / her life without pain and with almost normal joint mobility and muscle strength.

After current anterior cruciate ligament injuries, there are differences in the post operative rehabilitation process according to the graft type preferred in surgery.

After anterior cruciate ligament injury, in the rehabilitation process, the exercises to be done every week are planned according to the condition of the patient, adhering to a certain protocol, and the variety and intensity of the exercises are progressively increased by following the progression.

What are we doing in ROMMER for anterior cruciate ligament injury rehabilitation?

The protocols to be applied after the detailed examination of our specialist physicians to the patients who have undergone an operation or not, who applied to our center after anterior cruciate ligament injuries, are determined. Thanks to this personalized program, it is possible to achieve success in patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury .